Activate the Union of your self and Higher Self

Recorded Live with Jacklyn Johnston on You Awakening

Listen as we talk about effecting the process, described in just about every culture, of when the Soul/Higher Self merges with the (lower) Body System.  Experience an energy transmission allow this activation as described below.  Yes, this is another long transformative session being provided at no cost.  Please allow yourself 1 hour and 45 minutes.

  • Learn what this is, what it’s really about, and how it can help you.
  • Prepare yourself – A short guided opportunity to Set Aside, to Clear your self, or Purify your self of any and every thing that no longer serves you on your path.
  • Strengthen your whole Body System to support this process
  • Experience a unique and rare activation for those wanting to further themselves on their spiritual journey
  • Increase your health, so that your physicality can support you as this process continues to unfold


This mandala, courtesy of Gail Alexander, will help you
stay in focus in the center of the Core of Being

Bonus Q&A Session
Where Many Helpful Issues Were Resolved

Jacklyn Johnston Facilitates a Live Session with Scott Smith

The original interview was so energetically complete, so involving, that those in attendance were still taking it all in when it was time for the typical live question and answer portion.  Many people wrote to Jacklyn asking her to please set up a Q&A.  She did and I agreed to this recorded session the following Sunday.  And now, it is available for you.  Length: 2 hours

During the Q&A techniques were shared, and I offered up a prayer.  Jacklyn offered the prayer to those wanting a copy.  Please, just CONTACT me requesting it.