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Complete 2019 Treat your Self Program


  • AUD: $362.80
  • CAD: $329.14
  • EUR: €222.07
  • GBP: £188.92

The Shaktify Treat Your Self program is our way of providing you timely energetic sessions on a monthly basis.  MP3s can be purchased individually, as part of the monthly Treat your Self program, or by purchasing the entire year’s subscription at a discount compared to their regular price of $20 for each session.

Now you can receive the entire 2019 season, all twelve recordings for $120.


Product description



Opening to Creative Expression
Do your life events use the full creative expression of your Divine Nature?  This process will help you connect and allow that fullness for Divine Inspiration, Divine Guidance, and integration of all aspects of your consciousness, your immortal divinity, the full expression of your Self in this incarnation. (Length: 44:19)


Accepting Love
It is relatively easy to love others, and usually quite difficult for us to allow others to love us.  Love has a tendency to flow outward much more readily than we are willing to accept it for ourselves.  Allowing love starts with allowing your Self to Love yourself.  Self Love is also the key to all healing.  Let us allow Love in and accept it.  All aspects of life will improve if you do.  (Length: 64:23)


Inner Growth for a Better Life
There are many different modalities to help one’s self purify and heal.  In this energy session we will expand the crystalline structure, freeing and loosening the attachments which no longer serve.  As your body system returns to normal awareness, the constraining facets will have been transformed, transmuted, and replaced, helping to create a new you, able to handle more of life and attracting more of life.  (Length 46:31)


Maintaining Peace
This session is an opportunity to clear your self from all the annoyances and distractions, all the stresses and external influences so that you can experience true peace, Divine Peace, an inner peace which will maintain regardless of what happens around you, to you.  Like a gyroscope, maintain your course as that even-keeled ship of Peace, and be able to resonate and radiate that Peace to those around you, your environs, all life around you, or to whomever you choose.  (Length 58:48)


Exploring Consciousness
What is the difference between consciousness and mind?  How can you tap into a limitless sense of being?  Why do some people more readily remember their past lives and you find it difficult?  How can you increase your sense of knowingness?  How can you enhance your gifts and talents?  How can you find and tap into your gifts and talents?  Come explore and find Your answers.  (Length 40:55, this is an older recording)


Ascension of Our Crystalline Structure
Let’s prepare our crystalline structure, our body system, to handle the various frequencies coming through the planet effortlessly, smoothly, and without any disruption or distraction.  Purification Maximus!  Let our systems be able to adjust, adapt, accept, or integrate to whatever life throws our way.   (Length 56:00, this is an older recording)


Be All You Can Be
Those on a spiritual path are often torn by the dichotomy between their spiritual experiences of Connectedness and Grace and their experiences in everyday life, which often seem to represent the opposite.  Learning to rise above the negativity with which we are often presented while maintaining balance with spiritual and other objectives can be difficult. But it doesn’t have to be.  This session will provide you with the tools necessary to maintain your wellbeing in the midst of everyday life. (Length:  65:00)


Keeping an Even Keel
Life contains stress.  For some, life is stress.  How do we maintain and radiate our Divine Presence to keep ourselves and those around us healthy and on track.  (Length:  43:33)



Have you ever experienced a deep inner peace while meditating or during some other activity?  In this state, you are at peace, you are Peace.  No matter what happens around you, or to you, you remain at Peace, deep Peace.  This is Freedom.  Learn how to achieve this Freedom… (Length:  60:58)


What is Healing?

Participants in this energy session can expect to experience the true meaning of Healing.  Healing is not about fixing something that is wrong.  It is simply the establishment of the alignment with your True Divine Nature.  In the presence of that, or when that is allowed to shine through, your issues have an opportunity to spontaneously resolve… (Length:  29:46)


The Eternal Now

The now is all we have, sandwiched between past and future. It is the interval from which all movement, projects, and healing can begin. Learning to tap into this space of infinite possibilities is the place where you might choose to be. From here the movement is always forward and does not stagnate. Here, guidance flows freely. (Length:  51:50)


Healing the World Starts with You

This is all about building your courage, overcoming your fears, and allowing the healing to change you according to what you need and want, to truly get the benefits you desire. (Length: 54:51)

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