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2018 SHIs
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2018 Shakti Healing Intensive Collection

The complete 2018 collection of Shakti Healing Intensives:

Advanced Master Processes  (Length 111:55)
Using Light Constructs  (Length:  118:24)
Guardians of Light  (Length:  138:21)
Clearing the Causes of Suffering  (Length:  110:01)
As Above So Below: Healing on the Causal Plane  (Length:  113:52)
Healing Your Connection to Self  (Length:  114:46)

  • AUD: $362.80
  • CAD: $329.14
  • EUR: €222.07
  • GBP: £188.92
floating lotus
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2019 Shakti Healing Intensive Program

The complete 2019 collection of Shakti Healing Intensives:

Healing on All Levels     (Length: 1:58:01),
Healing the Cause of Human Suffering     (Length: 01:43:49),
Healing Your Connection to Self 2     (Length 1:58:53),
Healing your Alignment with your Divine Nature     (Length: 1:57:44),
Healing your Self     (Length: 1:56:02),
Elevating Your Vibrational State     (Length: 2:01:39)

  • AUD: $362.80
  • CAD: $329.14
  • EUR: €222.07
  • GBP: £188.92
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2020 Shakti Healing Intensive Program

2020 Shakti Healing Intensive Annual Program bundles all six individual Shakti Healing Intensives for this year. You need not be present to receive the benefits. MP3s will be available for download shortly after each event.

  • AUD: $362.80
  • CAD: $329.14
  • EUR: €222.07
  • GBP: £188.92
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2021 Shakti Healing Intensive Program

2021 Shakti Healing Intensive Annual Program bundles all six individual Shakti Healing Intensives for this year. You need not be present to receive the benefits. Recordings (MP3, MP4, M4A) will be available for download shortly after each event.

  • AUD: $362.80
  • CAD: $329.14
  • EUR: €222.07
  • GBP: £188.92
Sale! Deirdre Weedon stones-451329_640
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2022 Shakti Healing Intensive Program

2022 Shakti Healing Intensive Annual Program bundles all six individual Shakti Healing Intensives for this year. You need not be present to receive the benefits. Recordings (MP3, MP4, M4A) will be available for download shortly after each event.

Original price was: $240.00.Current price is: $200.00.
  • AUD: $302.33
  • CAD: $274.29
  • EUR: €185.06
  • GBP: £157.44
Sale! hester-qiang-95t94hZTESw-unsplash
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2023 Shakti Healing Intensive Program

2023 Shakti Healing Intensive Annual Program bundles all six individual Shakti Healing Intensives for this year. You need not be present to receive the benefits. Recordings (MP3, MP4, M4A) will be available for download shortly after each event.

Original price was: $240.00.Current price is: $200.00.
  • AUD: $302.33
  • CAD: $274.29
  • EUR: €185.06
  • GBP: £157.44
Sale! andrew-spencer-eY7ioRbk2sY-unsplash
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2024 Shakti Healing Intensive Program

The 2024 Shakti Healing Intensive Annual Program bundles all six individual Shakti Healing Intensives for this year. You need not be present to receive the benefits. Recordings (MP3, MP4, M4A) will be available for download shortly after each event.

Original price was: $240.00.Current price is: $200.00.
  • AUD: $302.33
  • CAD: $274.29
  • EUR: €185.06
  • GBP: £157.44
Jeanna Bouquette
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A New Way of Being

Throughout your life you have perfected a certain way of being and interacting with the world. However, the work of internal transformation has likely rendered that way of being irrelevant to your current internal state. This Shakti Healing Intensive is designed to allow how you manifest in the world to be fully aligned with your true essence by removing the masks, patterns, and habits that obscure that true essence. This healing intensive is highly transformative and need not be used more than once a year.

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
Passing of Light
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Advanced Master Processes

Advanced master processes and others are included in this Shakti Healing Intensive for the benefit of those participating undistracted while listening to this recording.

This opportunity is to sit in Grace, allowing Divine Energy to surround you, to permeate your being (your crystalline structure, your entire body system, your energy field) to allow yourself to accept positive change. This change will be guided by your intent and acceptance to affect any combination of your physical body, emotional system, mental system, causal system, financial situation, relationships, outlook, abilities and gifts, in other words, your entire physical existence.  (Length 111:55)

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
Buddha Bubbles
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As Above So Below: Healing on the Causal Plane

The majority of disease is not physical in nature; rather it originates from unresolved emotional, mental, and other debris that accumulates in various layers of the human body system. In this Shakti Healing Intensive, we will focus our attention on issues related to the Causal Body. This layer of the human body system tends to accumulate issues related to previous lifetimes, issues that are ancestrally inherited, psycho-spiritual debris resulting from interactions with the mass consciousness, fragmentation of the auric field, etc. Healing the Causal Body is a preventive step that can prevent issues from manifesting as disease in the Physical Body.  (Length:  113:52)

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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Being in a State of Joy

What holds you back? What prevents you from living in a state of Joy, right here, right now? Many of us have patterns, habits, and other blockages that inhibit us from being and fully experiencing Joy whenever we wish to. In this healing intensive, we will address everything that prevents you from experiencing Joy to the fullest. Like most of these programs, repeated use is highly recommended.  (length Pt1 1:04:07, Pt2 0:48:31)

If you have difficulty paying using the button below, please send $40USD via PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, or Square to sc***@sh******.com, AND write to us (Contact Us) to let us know what the payment is for.  Thank you

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
mindset John Hain-743166_640
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Bringing the Mental Body into Balance

As humans, we are strongly affected by our thoughts. Some of us even identify as the thinking mind. This can lead to a state of imbalance and disassociation from our true nature.  By bringing the Mental Body into balance, you will restore yourself, bring about a sense of connection with your surroundings, and with every aspect of your being. Repeated use of this intensive is highly recommended whenever you sense a need.


  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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Cleansing and Purifying the Electro-Magnetic Body

The electro-magnetic body is one of the most important layers of the incarnated self. It consists of the Chakra system, the energy meridians of the body, and other structures that are known and some that are still unknown. In this healing intensive, we will address all components of the electro-magnetic body, their interconnections, and connections to all other aspects of the incarnation. This intensive provides a major clearing, and should not be repeated more than quarterly.


  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
tree of life recursive
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Clearing the Causes of Suffering

In this Shakti Healing Intensive we will be working as a holographic collective. Even those participating only afterward, listening in the future, will add their contributions and will benefit from the collective field generated during the call, which occurs outside of time and space and is a resource that will be continuously available after it has been established.

Most people seek removal of symptoms to alleviate their suffering. In this call we seek a more effective way, addressing root causes. All those things that if left unattended can lead to disease further down the road. Most suffering is caused by the clashing of external circumstances against internal beliefs. These beliefs can be formed through lifetimes, genetic predispositions, indoctrinations, and our own judgments. We are the architects of our own suffering and have the power to remove it. All it takes is our awareness and choice.  (Length:  110:01)

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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Creating A Healthy You

Health is a state in which all aspects of your being are in perfect harmony, working together as God intended. This Shakti Healing Intensive provides a process that will work towards this goal. Every time you use this recording it will take you closer to that goal, and you may use it as often as you feel called to do so.


  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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Elevating Your Vibrational State

Your vibrational state determines what you resonate with, what you attract, and what can and cannot affect you.  The higher your vibration, the more you become immune to negativity of all sorts, which includes negative emotional states, dis-ease, and fear, as well as acquire immunity to pathogens of all sorts.   All of that simply cannot exist in the presence of the Light.  In this Shakti Healing Intensive we will do the work necessary to increase your base vibrational rate.  Repeated participation is highly recommended.     (Length: 2:01:39)

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
Heart of the Sea
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Guardians of Light

This Shakti Healing Intensive continues the unique approach from “Being the Change” for the benefit of those participating undistracted while listening to the recording.

These processes are much more than clearing, rejuvenating DNA, opening to your next spiritual step, etc.  New evolutionary healing energies will be fully integrating with you.    This time we will be connecting with additional advanced tools and energies of the Light from beyond this plane of existence to assist you in “Being the Change.”  This session goes deeper.  (Length:  138:21)

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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Healing All Aspects of self

The self is a multi-faceted construct that consists of multiple layers: personality, emotional, and mental. In this Shakti Healing Intensive we will address these as a whole, clearing outdated patterns and ways of being that prevent you from embodying your full potential in this incarnation. Repeated use of this recording is highly recommended.


  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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Healing On All Levels

Healing on All Levels

Healing the totality of self requires paying attention to all of your layers and their interconnections. In this Shakti Healing Intensive, we will do exactly that: using the Shaktify Energetic Toolkit we will remove issues in each of these layers that are getting in the way of you manifesting Spirit more fully on the Earth Plane.  (Length: 118:01)

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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Healing Our Wishes and Desires

Much of human suffering stems from the fact that objective reality rarely aligns with our wishes and desires. In this Shakti Healing Intensive, we will work towards releasing that aspect of self, aligning ourselves with Divine Will, transcending our limited view of what is possible or desirable for us as a gateway towards the abundance that is God’s Will for each and everyone of us. Like all Shakti Healing Intensives, repeated use will unravel successive layers of limitation that inhibit your full potential.    (Length 2:13:57)

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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Healing the Astral Body

The Astral Body is the layer of your incarnation that provides you with access to various abilities, most famously the ability to project your consciousness. Each of you has different gifts, gifts that can be cultivated as you progress along your spiritual path. In this Shakti Healing Intensive, we will work on the Astral Body, cleansing and purifying it to allow a greater expression of your gifts. Repeated use of this recording is encouraged, but not more often than once per month.  (length 1:56)

If you are having difficulty paying using the button below, please send $40USD via PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, or Square to sc***@sh******.com, and write to us (Contact Us) to let us know what the payment is for.  Thank you

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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Healing the Body System in its Entirety

Your incarnational system consists of multiple layers that we often refer to as bodies. In these healing intensives we often focus on individual layers. This healing intensive takes the approach of addressing the system in its entirety, affecting issues that impact in a systemic manner. Each time you use this intensive, it will assist you in releasing a different issue or new layers of issues that have not been previously addressed.

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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Healing the Causal Body

Most of human disease has its origins beyond the physical: in the Emotional Body; in the Mental Body; and in the Causal Body, which is the focus of this intensive. The Causal Body is a repository of psychic information that we glean during our lifetimes. This repository can get corrupted and affected both by outside influences and our patterns of interaction with the world. The psychic debris that accumulates in the Causal Body can manifest at the physical level if left unchecked. In this Shakti Healing Intensive, we will focus on clearing this debris, before it has the chance to manifest on the physical level. This healing intensive can be used and reused as needed to release all trauma from this important aspect of your being. (length 1:34:20)

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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Healing the Cause of Human Suffering

Our suffering as incarnated human beings on this planet is the result of a lack of alignment between our wishes for certain experiences and outcomes contrasted with the actual outcomes that we experience. In this Shakti Healing Intensive we will address the barriers that hinder us from having that experience.  (Length: 01:44)

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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