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Healing the Causal Body

Most of human disease has its origins beyond the physical: in the Emotional Body; in the Mental Body; and in the Causal Body, which is the focus of this intensive. The Causal Body is a repository of psychic information that we glean during our lifetimes. This repository can get corrupted and affected both by outside influences and our patterns of interaction with the world. The psychic debris that accumulates in the Causal Body can manifest at the physical level if left unchecked. In this Shakti Healing Intensive, we will focus on clearing this debris, before it has the chance to manifest on the physical level. This healing intensive can be used and reused as needed to release all trauma from this important aspect of your being. (length 1:34:20)

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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Healing the Cause of Human Suffering

Our suffering as incarnated human beings on this planet is the result of a lack of alignment between our wishes for certain experiences and outcomes contrasted with the actual outcomes that we experience. In this Shakti Healing Intensive we will address the barriers that hinder us from having that experience.  (Length: 01:44)

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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Healing the Causes of Suffering II

Much of our day to day suffering is self inflicted, a reaction to the continuous barrage of thoughts and emotions. Therefore to heal the cause of suffering within us, we must alter the way we experience these aspects of self. In this healing intensive you will participate in processes for cleansing and purifying the pathways that generate thought and emotion, and the interactions between the two. Repeated use of this recording is highly recommended as each time you listen to it new layers will be addressed.


  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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Healing The Crystalline Structure

This Shakti Healing Intensive will assist you in healing all aspects of your incarnation, all the way from the physical to the layers of the immortal self. This Intensive can be used on a regular basis. Each time providing the healing that is needed in that moment.


  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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Healing the Emotional Body

Emotional reactions and our identification with them are the source of much of human suffering. Not only that, our emotional body is tightly connected to the physical body, so your emotional state can have a strong effect on your well-being. In fact, disease often originates or is exacerbated by imbalances in the emotional body. In this Shakti Healing Intensive, we will effect positive change in the emotional body and its connections with the physical, healing those patterns that most affect you at this time. Repeated use of this intensive is highly recommended, as each time you will let go of those patterns that are ripe to be released.

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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Healing the Greater You

Most people associate themselves as their physical body, but as you know, there is more to you than your physicality. The incarnated body system can be thought of as consisting of multiple layers, some of which include your incarnated self, and the others contain your immortal self. In this Shakti Healing Intensive we will address the Greater You, the entirety of who you are, holistically. Repeated use of this Shakti Healing Intensive is highly recommended. Each time you listen to the recording, a different aspect of the whole, which you are ready to address, will come into focus.

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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Healing the Physical Body

Once sufficient work has been done to heal the non-physical aspects of the incarnation, healing of the physical becomes a lot easier. In this Shakti Healing Intensive, we will go through a comprehensive process for healing all the major systems of our physical body. In preparation for this Intensive, we ask that you will have gone through at least two previous Shakti Healing Intensives in recent months with specific emphasis on healing the Causal Body. This Intensive can be used on a regular basis, but not more frequently than once per month.

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
Oleksii Makarov and Melissa Mjoen
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Healing the Physical Body II

In this Shakti Healing Intensive, we will provide a healing process that can be adapted and applied to a wide range of health concerns from minor ailments to life threatening diseases depending on your needs. Please be advised that despite their efficacy these processes do not constitute a replacement for medical care. Scott is not a medical professional, nor has he been trained as such. These energies are intended as a compliment to care on the physical plane. This advanced set of processes will combine Divine Energy (spiritual healing) and Consciousness (quantum matrix healing) to help you create a healthier state. You may use this recording as often as you would like.

Please be advised that despite their efficacy these processes do not constitute a replacement for medical care.  Scott is not a medical professional, nor has he been trained as such.

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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Healing your Alignment with your Divine Nature

We are immortal beings incarnated in a human shell.  As such, we are of the Divine in nature, something that most of us forget.  Our work on the spiritual path is to reawaken that connection, that knowingness of our True Self.  In this Shakti Healing Intensive, we will do the work necessary to facilitate the process of merging, becoming one, with our Higher Self.  This is a major milestone on the spiritual path, one that brings about a multitude of benefits including improved health and vitality, limitless creative expression, a deeper connection and understanding of others (empathy), and freedom from the limitations of what you believe is possible.  Repeated use of this recording will pave the way to your merging process.   (Length:  1:57:44)


It is recommended that participants experience Healing your Connection to Self 2, our previous intensive, prior to participating in this one.

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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Healing Your Beliefs

Your belief system has a strong effect on your ability to heal.  In this Shakti Healing Intensive, we will address the limiting beliefs that affect the efficacy of your healing work, be it of a spiritual nature or otherwise.  Please use this recording whenever you sense the need.


  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
Christ Consciousness and Solar Logos
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Healing Your Connection to Self

In this Shakti Healing Intensive we will do the Work needed to prepare ourselves for the merging with our immortal Self.  The merging of the Higher Self with its human incarnation is a major milestone on the spiritual path and has many positive effects on those that undergo that transition.  Participants in this intensive will have the experience of that.  (Length:  114:46)

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
cube of light
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Healing your Connection to Self 2

You are your consciousness: your super-conscious, also known as the Soul; the sub conscious; and your conscious awareness.  Your incarnational journey is a process of refinement of these layers and establishing a stronger connection between them, so that ultimately you can function as your Higher Self in this plane of existence.  In this Shakti Healing Intensive we will clarify and purify the various layers of your incarnational system, paving the way for the integration of all aspects of self.  (Length 1:58:53)

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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