Being a Vessel of Light:
Finding your Path
from the comfort of your own home…
Pre-Workshop Preparation Sessions
Entire Set of Workshop Sessions
Being a Vessel of Light:
Finding your Path
from the comfort of your own home…
Pre-Workshop Preparation Sessions
Entire Set of Workshop Sessions
For those contemplating attending, Being a Vessel of Light: Finding your Path, you may purchase the preparatory sessions here. Please see the details below…
This is our 2022 Annual Year End Treat. In this special session we will assist you in charting a course for the coming year, and remove all obstacles that would prevent that plan from manifesting.
The electro-magnetic body is one of the most important layers of the incarnated self. It consists of the Chakra system, the energy meridians of the body, and other structures that are known and some that are still unknown. In this healing intensive, we will address all components of the electro-magnetic body, their interconnections, and connections to all other aspects of the incarnation. This intensive provides a major clearing, and should not be repeated more than quarterly.
In this Shakti Healing Intensive we will be working as a holographic collective. Even those participating only afterward, listening in the future, will add their contributions and will benefit from the collective field generated during the call, which occurs outside of time and space and is a resource that will be continuously available after it has been established.
Most people seek removal of symptoms to alleviate their suffering. In this call we seek a more effective way, addressing root causes. All those things that if left unattended can lead to disease further down the road. Most suffering is caused by the clashing of external circumstances against internal beliefs. These beliefs can be formed through lifetimes, genetic predispositions, indoctrinations, and our own judgments. We are the architects of our own suffering and have the power to remove it. All it takes is our awareness and choice. (Length: 110:01)
The Shaktify Treat Your Self program is our way of providing you timely energetic sessions on a monthly basis. MP3s can be purchased individually, as part of the monthly Treat your Self program, or by purchasing the entire year’s subscription at a discount compared to their regular price of $20 for each session.
Now you can receive the entire 2019 season, all twelve recordings for $120.
This Shaktify Transformational is designed to address every aspect of your being to help you release, transmute, and replace anything that would get in the way of you being the best version of yourself. Every time you use this recording, different aspects will be addressed according to your needs, making this an excellent general purpose tool whenever you sense the need.
Health is a state in which all aspects of your being are in perfect harmony, working together as God intended. This Shakti Healing Intensive provides a process that will work towards this goal. Every time you use this recording it will take you closer to that goal, and you may use it as often as you feel called to do so.
Our emotional experience guides and affects our day to day choices and behavior, and not always in the best possible way. The Shaktify Path provides highly effective tools that will allow you to notice and address difficult emotions and their impact on your being, so you may function effectively even in the face of strong emotional activation. Emotions provide valuable information. The goal of this work is to transform your experience of them, to release you from the need to react to them, and to allow them to serve their purpose without any negative side effects. This recording will assist you any time emotions seem to get the best of you. (Length 60:10)
Let’s create the space necessary for the propensity to receive Divine Abundance fully. We will learn how to place our self aside and listen to the requirements and needs of the Self allowing Divine Abundance to flow on all levels and in all ways. (Length: 73:02)
Scarcity is a fear that affects most of humanity either consciously or unconsciously. This contracted sense of what is possible precludes us from receiving the bounty that is our birthright — as individuals and for humanity as a whole. Our very survival as a specie on this planet depends on letting go of lack consciousness. That is the objective of this energy session.
(Length 64:08)
What is True Compassion? To be compassionate, we don’t need to feel another’s pain. It is simply a State of Openness, where we allow another to truly touch us, where they can sense our presence and unconditional love. For compassion is a form of love. Divine Compassion is an energy form that represents this concept, an energy that we can send to others and to ourselves as well. Compassion for yourself, acceptance of yourself, is something we do not give ourselves enough of. To be truly compassionate, we must have compassion for ourselves first. In this energy session we will cultivate this state of being so that our presence may carry this gift into the world. (Length 36:12)