
Staying On Your Path


Scott Smith and Moncef Afkir

Does life seem to toss you and turn you with a never ending myriad of distractions?  How do you know you are on your path?  What is your path anyway?  We will discuss these answers and your questions as well, after an energetic spiritual exercise to help you see things a bit more clearly.  Please join us as we explore the benefits of Staying On Your Path and receive some simple techniques to help you achieve this.

  • Experience spiritual energy as it clears your Body System/Crystalline Structure of the lingering things on which you can get stuck, the bits and pieces you are holding onto that no longer support or serve you on your path, and anything else you choose to clear.
  • Experience inner expansion to support your growth
  • Experience a deep inner peace to help you focus, maintain balance, and help you walk through life with ease and Grace.
  • Allow anything released in the process that you no longer need, that no longer serves you, to ‘dissolve’ as they are transmuted and released
  • Share experiences and any questions that come up, so we will all receive answers and spontaneous activations prompted by those who choose to participate

Removing the Barriers
Between You and Your Path

Scott Smith and Moncef Afkir

Human beings can be so clever.   We figure out all kinds of ways to go around things, skirt issues, and ignore, deny, and refuse even that which would help us the most.  Energetically this creates blockages, constrictions, I can’t do that’s, and self sabotage, cutting us off from living life to its fullest, even from the things we want most out of life.  Are you done with this process?

Please join us as we explore the flow of spiritual energy through our systems, becoming more aware of the eddies, refractions, bouncing, and other effects of our internal barriers.  And, when you are tired of being that way, we will endeavor, live, right then remove all of the barriers no longer serving you on your path, allowing a greater bandwidth and greater flow of the spiritual energies which support you, guide you, and help you achieve.

  • Experience high frequency spiritual energy as it goes through your system
  • Experience anything that impedes the flow of this energy, and your growth
  • Experience free flowing shakti, spiritual energy, as we set aside all barriers
  • Allow any and all impedances you no longer need, that no longer serve you, to ‘dissolve’ as they are transmuted and released
  • Let’s share experiences and any questions that come up, and we will all receive spontaneous activations prompted by those who choose to participate