Let’s prepare our crystalline structure, our body system, to handle the various frequencies coming through the planet effortlessly, smoothly, and without any disruption or distraction. Purification Maximus! Let our systems be able to adjust, adapt, accept, or integrate to whatever life throws our way. (Length 56:00, this is an older recording)
Ascension of Our Crystalline Structure
$15.00- AUD: $22.68
- CAD: $20.57
- EUR: €13.88
- GBP: £11.81
Divine Intervention 2
Most of us have asked the Divine for help at one point or another, and when we do so, we typically call on a force outside ourselves to facilitate the change that we desire. In this session we will consider an alternative. You have Divine Agency. You embody the Divine in human form, and as such you can petition the Divine “through” rather than “for” you, becoming an active part of the process. In this energy session participants will have the experience of becoming instruments of the Divine in this way. (Length 31:21)
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
A Transmission of Grace II
Grace is the State of Being that is experienced when we get out of the way, when we are not blocking or interfering the natural flow, when things are simply allowed to unfold; not the way we would have things happen, but in accordance with Divine Will. Participants in this session will be provided an experience of this State of Being whenever revisited until this becomes an abiding state. (Length 42:46)
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
Keeping an Even Keel
Life contains stress. For some, life is stress. How do we maintain and radiate our Divine Presence to keep ourselves and those around us healthy and on track. (Length: 43:33)
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
Divine Understanding II
In these sessions, we often refer to our True Nature as incarnated souls in a human body system, and many of you are able to relate to that. In this session, we will build upon this understanding to truly know ourselves as part of all Creation. We will also get to deeply experience and know our collective role, the role of humanity on Earth at this time of great changes, as humanity and this planet advance to their next evolutionary step. In this session, you will be using tools and techniques that can be applied to your daily practice to manifest greater understanding and inspiration into your life. (Length 1:13:50)
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
Living Your Soul’s Purpose
As you all know, we are immortal beings who have taken on human form. Most of us have forgotten that somewhere along the line. The journey of awakening is in some ways one of remembering that, re-awakening that knowledge within you. We are all here to re-awaken to that knowledge and live as our Higher Self in this human body system that we chose to inhabit. The experience of living as your Higher Self is the purpose of each and every Light Worker on this planet. Being a Light Worker is a choice. Once enough of us have made that choice, this will become humanity’s abiding state of being. In this energy session, we will experience this state of being and continued practice will allow you to carry it out into the world. (Length 39:02)
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
Accepting Love
It is relatively easy to love others, and usually quite difficult for us to allow others to love us. Love has a tendency to flow outward much more readily than we are willing to accept it for ourselves. Allowing love starts with allowing your Self to Love yourself. Self Love is also the key to all healing. Let us allow Love in and accept it. All aspects of life will improve if you do. (Length: 64:23)
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
Maintaining Peace
This session is an opportunity to clear your self from all the annoyances and distractions, all the stresses and external influences so that you can experience true peace, Divine Peace, an inner peace which will maintain regardless of what happens around you, to you. Like a gyroscope, maintain your course as that even-keeled ship of Peace, and be able to resonate and radiate that Peace to those around you, your environs, all life around you, or to whomever you choose. (Length 58:48)
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
Divine Abundance III
Scarcity is a fear that affects most of humanity either consciously or unconsciously. This contracted sense of what is possible precludes us from receiving the bounty that is our birthright — as individuals and for humanity as a whole. Our very survival as a specie on this planet depends on letting go of lack consciousness. That is the objective of this energy session.
(Length 64:08)
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
Your Mind as a Tool
Most humans identify themselves with the thinking mind. As you know, that is not who you are. You are your consciousness, a fact that we tend to forget. Our thoughts help shape our reality. The ultimate goal is to make ourselves conduits for God’s thoughts, so that we may live a life of creative inspiration. This energy session is about changing your relationship with the mind. The Shaktify Path provides tools and processes to assist you in de-identifying with your thoughts, allowing you to use the mind as the useful tool that it is by letting go of distractions and negative patterns of thought. (Length 32:04)
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
The Eternal Now
The now is all we have, sandwiched between past and future. It is the interval from which all movement, projects, and healing can begin. Learning to tap into this space of infinite possibilities is the place where you might choose to be. From here the movement is always forward and does not stagnate. Here, guidance flows freely. (Length: 51:50)
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
Dealing with Emotions
Our emotional experience guides and affects our day to day choices and behavior, and not always in the best possible way. The Shaktify Path provides highly effective tools that will allow you to notice and address difficult emotions and their impact on your being, so you may function effectively even in the face of strong emotional activation. Emotions provide valuable information. The goal of this work is to transform your experience of them, to release you from the need to react to them, and to allow them to serve their purpose without any negative side effects. This recording will assist you any time emotions seem to get the best of you. (Length 60:10)
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
You are Consciousness
You are your consciousness, not your thoughts, not your emotions, not this human body that you currently inhabit. You are consciousness, an immortal being, who has chosen to incarnate on this Earth with the intention of embodying your immortal Self in a human body. In this energy session we will address all that is preventing you from being that, and provide you with the experience of being your Higher Self. Repeated use of this session will pave the way towards making this your abiding state of being. (Length 47:13)
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
Being our Connection to Self
This energy transmission will allow participants to form a stronger bond with their Divine Essence, their True Self, that which they truly are.
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
Inner Growth for a Better Life
There are many different modalities to help one’s self purify and heal. In this energy session we will expand the crystalline structure, freeing and loosening the attachments which no longer serve. As your body system returns to normal awareness, the constraining facets will have been transformed, transmuted, and replaced, helping to create a new you, able to handle more of life and attracting more of life. (Length 46:31)
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
Opening to Creative Expression
Do your life events use the full creative expression of your Divine Nature? This process will help you connect and allow that fullness for Divine Inspiration, Divine Guidance, and integration of all aspects of your consciousness, your immortal divinity, the full expression of your Self in this incarnation. (Length: 44:19)
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
Be All You Can Be
Those on a spiritual path are often torn by the dichotomy between their spiritual experiences of Connectedness and Grace and their experiences in everyday life, which often seem to represent the opposite. Learning to rise above the negativity with which we are often presented while maintaining balance with spiritual and other objectives can be difficult. But it doesn’t have to be. This session will provide you with the tools necessary to maintain your wellbeing in the midst of everyday life. (Length: 65:00)
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
Divine Compassion
What is True Compassion? To be compassionate, we don’t need to feel another’s pain. It is simply a State of Openness, where we allow another to truly touch us, where they can sense our presence and unconditional love. For compassion is a form of love. Divine Compassion is an energy form that represents this concept, an energy that we can send to others and to ourselves as well. Compassion for yourself, acceptance of yourself, is something we do not give ourselves enough of. To be truly compassionate, we must have compassion for ourselves first. In this energy session we will cultivate this state of being so that our presence may carry this gift into the world. (Length 36:12)
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
A Time of Changes
We live in a time of many changes. Some are already occurring, and many more are yet to come. All aspects of society are ready for change. You have a choice on how to move through these changes, either gracefully or allow things to unfold come what may. This session is designed to uplift you, and help you move through these changes with as much grace and ease as you can muster. Repeated use in difficult times is recommended.
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
We, the Architects of Reality
Our reality is shaped not just by our actions, but by our thoughts and feelings, and therefore we have the power to alter that, to change our reality. In this energy session we will cover techniques for affecting patterns of being that are deeply ingrained in our system, transmuting and releasing them so we can be that which we came here to be. (Length: 57:09)
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
Exploring Consciousness
What is the difference between consciousness and mind? How can you tap into a limitless sense of being? Why do some people more readily remember their past lives and you find it difficult? How can you increase your sense of knowingness? How can you enhance your gifts and talents? How can you find and tap into your gifts and talents? Come explore and find Your answers. (Length 40:55, this is an older recording)
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
What is Healing?
Participants in this energy session can expect to experience the true meaning of Healing. Healing is not about fixing something that is wrong. It is simply the establishment of the alignment with your True Divine Nature. In the presence of that, or when that is allowed to shine through, your issues have an opportunity to spontaneously resolve. Healing is simply a matter of choosing and allowing. Allowing is a doorway for healing to occur within your system and you must be the one who chooses to open that door. So, let us make this choice together. (Length: 29:46)
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
Embodying Christ Consciousness
Please join us for a Holy Day special event in which we explore Christ Consciousness, a state of being available to each and every one of us. In this session, my teachers deliver their message for 2019 and beyond. This message is partly energetic in form, and to be fully received participation in the entire session is required. Otherwise, for the message alone you may skip ahead, or stop this session at the beginning of the message. This is an advanced session. (Length: 65:21)
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
Divine Forgiveness
As humans, we think we understand forgiveness. But, what is Divine Forgiveness? The Divine does not need to forgive us. Divine Forgiveness is the energy that allows and gives space for someone to be who they are. It is the carrier wave for non-judgment that puts you in a receptive state for accepting yourself and others as they are. Most of us find it relatively easy to forgive others; forgiving yourself is the ultimate challenge. In this energy session, we will practice forgiveness for ourselves creating the space for you to be who you were meant to be. (Length 36:12)
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
Have you ever experienced a deep inner peace while meditating or during some other activity? In this state, you are at peace, you are Peace. No matter what happens around you, or to you, you remain at Peace, deep Peace. This is Freedom.
Learn how to achieve this Freedom, Freedom from all of your issues. Even though they don’t go away, the issues become powerless to create the stresses of life which have been plaguing you. It doesn’t matter the source of the stress. The effects could be the same, even devastating. Or, you could choose Freedom. (Length 60:58)
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
Solstice Celebration
Let us come together on this, the longest day of the year, or at any time to celebrate our Self Love, our Self, and allow this special moment to ready our body system, crystalline structure, and energy field to be able to remain in Peace, Balance, Harmony, and be grounded for whatever may come our way. There can be no greater gift at this or any time.
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
The Nature of Enlightenment
Every spiritual tradition maps out a series of milestones that a spiritual seeker goes through on their way to their full awakening. In this session, we will explore the first level of enlightenment and how to determine your progress towards this major milestone on the spiritual path. (Length 56:16)
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
A Transmission of Grace
As we enter into the year 2020, which will be a year of many changes on many levels, let us invoke Divine Grace, so that we may go through those changes easily, gracefully, allowing ourselves to adapt to the new realities as they unfold. Divine Grace is the tool that we can use to shift our way of being into a receptive state in which change is allowed rather than resisted. So let us invoke Grace and allow the Will of the Divine to unfold in our lives. Use this recording at any time, in any year, to restore and realign you with your path. (Length 33:18)
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
Happenstance or Divine Will
How your choices ripple and affect, which could connect and experience the Now as that Still Point (the center of the Core of Being) that emanates and moves through what we would call time and space. Where in reality, existence is what we create moment by moment through how we choose to be in the world. How to embody that saying by Gandhi “Be the Change,” to create those positive ripples that with time and sufficient participation will snowball and lead to the awakening of all humanity. Reinforce the need to make that choice moment by moment, every moment. The time is now to act in allegiance to the impetus that has led each and every one of us to this incarnation. This koan may only be understood through the experience of participating fully in this session. You can repeat this as needed.
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
From Happiness to Joy
Humanity lives its life in the pursuit of happiness, which is a conditioned state. There is a better goal, one that is more attainable, one that only requires your choice, your choice to be Joyful. Joy is always there available for you. All you need do is ask for it, and allow it in. This Holy Day celebratory event will help you experience Joy more fully and help you become a source of Joy for all that you encounter. By Donation
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
Staying on Your Path
As a listener of this podcast you are on a spiritual path, one that has begun long before you were even born. You have chosen to incarnate on Earth at this time, a very special time, a time of many changes, a time that requires your dedication and devotion to your spiritual path. There are many things that can get in the way, both external obstacles and internal ones. In this session, we will address all such obstacles that keep you from your path. (Length 1:12:27)
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
The Journey of the Human Spirit
Let’s take a journey together through the development, expansion, and future of the human spirit, your spirit. (Length: 65:00)
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
Healing the World Starts with You
This is all about building your courage, overcoming your fears, and allowing the healing to change you according to what you need and want, to truly get the benefits you desire. (Length 54:51)
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
A Message of Hope
As we enter the new Year of 2021, much of humanity is in need of Hope. The focus of this session is on restoring that, within ourselves, and spreading it out for the benefit of all humanity. Divine Hope will restore your trust that Divine Will is in play, and is at work, manifesting through the thoughts and actions of each and every one of us. In this special session, we will prepare ourselves to be pure vessels of Divine Will in preparation for the year ahead, and to carry this message of Hope with us in everything we do.
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
Divine Abundance II
Let’s create the space necessary for the propensity to receive Divine Abundance fully. We will learn how to place our self aside and listen to the requirements and needs of the Self allowing Divine Abundance to flow on all levels and in all ways. (Length: 73:02)
- AUD: $30.23
- CAD: $27.43
- EUR: €18.51
- GBP: £15.74
Divine Joy Generator
Celebrate, experience, and rejoice in the energy Work to receive and live in Divine Joy. Allow yourself to be a conduit for spreading Divine Joy. Relive the experience and celebration of our humanity, and what is possible when allowing our Divine Nature to shine through.
Refresh and enhance this experience whenever you replay the recording.
- AUD: $37.79
- CAD: $34.29
- EUR: €23.13
- GBP: £19.68