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Transform Yourself: Part One

The human body system is more malleable than you think.  Consciousness is one of the primary tools for that.  You can change.  You can choose to be different than you were a moment ago.  In this Shakti Healing Intensive we will use consciousness to affect our being at the deepest level as a way to transform ourselves, and the way in which we live our life.  This is the first in a series of intensives focused on transforming your self, your way of being.


  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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Healing your Connection to Self 2

You are your consciousness: your super-conscious, also known as the Soul; the sub conscious; and your conscious awareness.  Your incarnational journey is a process of refinement of these layers and establishing a stronger connection between them, so that ultimately you can function as your Higher Self in this plane of existence.  In this Shakti Healing Intensive we will clarify and purify the various layers of your incarnational system, paving the way for the integration of all aspects of self.  (Length 1:58:53)

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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2024 Shakti Healing Intensive Program

The 2024 Shakti Healing Intensive Annual Program bundles all six individual Shakti Healing Intensives for this year. You need not be present to receive the benefits. Recordings (MP3, MP4, M4A) will be available for download shortly after each event.

Original price was: $240.00.Current price is: $200.00.
  • AUD: $302.33
  • CAD: $274.29
  • EUR: €185.06
  • GBP: £157.44
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Healing the Astral Body

The Astral Body is the layer of your incarnation that provides you with access to various abilities, most famously the ability to project your consciousness. Each of you has different gifts, gifts that can be cultivated as you progress along your spiritual path. In this Shakti Healing Intensive, we will work on the Astral Body, cleansing and purifying it to allow a greater expression of your gifts. Repeated use of this recording is encouraged, but not more often than once per month.  (length 1:56)

If you are having difficulty paying using the button below, please send $40USD via PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, or Square to sc***@sh******.com, and write to us (Contact Us) to let us know what the payment is for.  Thank you

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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2023 Shakti Healing Intensive Program

2023 Shakti Healing Intensive Annual Program bundles all six individual Shakti Healing Intensives for this year. You need not be present to receive the benefits. Recordings (MP3, MP4, M4A) will be available for download shortly after each event.

Original price was: $240.00.Current price is: $200.00.
  • AUD: $302.33
  • CAD: $274.29
  • EUR: €185.06
  • GBP: £157.44
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Healing the Causes of Suffering II

Much of our day to day suffering is self inflicted, a reaction to the continuous barrage of thoughts and emotions. Therefore to heal the cause of suffering within us, we must alter the way we experience these aspects of self. In this healing intensive you will participate in processes for cleansing and purifying the pathways that generate thought and emotion, and the interactions between the two. Repeated use of this recording is highly recommended as each time you listen to it new layers will be addressed.


  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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Healing your Alignment with your Divine Nature

We are immortal beings incarnated in a human shell.  As such, we are of the Divine in nature, something that most of us forget.  Our work on the spiritual path is to reawaken that connection, that knowingness of our True Self.  In this Shakti Healing Intensive, we will do the work necessary to facilitate the process of merging, becoming one, with our Higher Self.  This is a major milestone on the spiritual path, one that brings about a multitude of benefits including improved health and vitality, limitless creative expression, a deeper connection and understanding of others (empathy), and freedom from the limitations of what you believe is possible.  Repeated use of this recording will pave the way to your merging process.   (Length:  1:57:44)


It is recommended that participants experience Healing your Connection to Self 2, our previous intensive, prior to participating in this one.

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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Healing the Causal Body

Most of human disease has its origins beyond the physical: in the Emotional Body; in the Mental Body; and in the Causal Body, which is the focus of this intensive. The Causal Body is a repository of psychic information that we glean during our lifetimes. This repository can get corrupted and affected both by outside influences and our patterns of interaction with the world. The psychic debris that accumulates in the Causal Body can manifest at the physical level if left unchecked. In this Shakti Healing Intensive, we will focus on clearing this debris, before it has the chance to manifest on the physical level. This healing intensive can be used and reused as needed to release all trauma from this important aspect of your being. (length 1:34:20)

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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2020 Shakti Healing Intensive Program

2020 Shakti Healing Intensive Annual Program bundles all six individual Shakti Healing Intensives for this year. You need not be present to receive the benefits. MP3s will be available for download shortly after each event.

  • AUD: $362.80
  • CAD: $329.14
  • EUR: €222.07
  • GBP: £188.92
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Healing Our Wishes and Desires

Much of human suffering stems from the fact that objective reality rarely aligns with our wishes and desires. In this Shakti Healing Intensive, we will work towards releasing that aspect of self, aligning ourselves with Divine Will, transcending our limited view of what is possible or desirable for us as a gateway towards the abundance that is God’s Will for each and everyone of us. Like all Shakti Healing Intensives, repeated use will unravel successive layers of limitation that inhibit your full potential.    (Length 2:13:57)

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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Healing the Emotional Body

Emotional reactions and our identification with them are the source of much of human suffering. Not only that, our emotional body is tightly connected to the physical body, so your emotional state can have a strong effect on your well-being. In fact, disease often originates or is exacerbated by imbalances in the emotional body. In this Shakti Healing Intensive, we will effect positive change in the emotional body and its connections with the physical, healing those patterns that most affect you at this time. Repeated use of this intensive is highly recommended, as each time you will let go of those patterns that are ripe to be released.

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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Healing On All Levels

Healing on All Levels

Healing the totality of self requires paying attention to all of your layers and their interconnections. In this Shakti Healing Intensive, we will do exactly that: using the Shaktify Energetic Toolkit we will remove issues in each of these layers that are getting in the way of you manifesting Spirit more fully on the Earth Plane.  (Length: 118:01)

  • AUD: $60.47
  • CAD: $54.86
  • EUR: €37.01
  • GBP: £31.49
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